Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sure. Why not?

This small simple phrase can get you into loads of trouble. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

On better, happier (and obviously, clearer) notes, we are on the cusp of fall. Not that we experience anything close to the much-envied crunchy piles of leaves, brisk evening air, blazing trees of color that I long for (sigh), but the holidays still come to Texas, even if it is our "second spring".

Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas ... October, November, December, my favorite months of the year. I am an anticipation junkie, so it is fun to have so much to look forward to, especially while the kids are young and so excited about it, too. The kids are pretty well decided on their costumes for this year.

I just finished reading "Catching Fire", the sequel to "The Hunger Games". Love, love, love these books.

And that's it for me for today. A few random thoughts. But I do random, oh so well.